Print & Frame, Frame Only, Print Only Service: Once an order has been placed, we can not make any adjustments or accept any cancellations. This includes changing the shipping address.
If you need to change the shipping address, we recommend signing up for FedEx Delivery Manager. This is a FREE service that can be used to:
- Redirect their package to a FedEx location to be held for pickup.
- Reroute their package to a different address.
Mail-in service: Orders can be canceled anytime before your artwork has shipped to our facility. You will be refunded for the full cost of the order. The refund will be made to the original form of payment.
If you have an earned discount, you will be refunded the cost of the order minus a 6% processing fee.
If you cancel your order after your selected mail-in method (tube or flat-mailer) has shipped, you will be refunded for the full cost of the order minus the cost of the mail-in method. The refund will be made to the original form of payment.
If you cancel an order after your artwork has been checked in by our team (but before production has begun), you will be refunded for the full cost of the order minus the cost of the mail-in method and the $8 art check-in fee. The refund will be made to the original form of payment.
Design Services: Design services require payment at checkout or the time of the scheduled event and include a non-refundable design fee.
- Online Articles - $40 non-refundable fee
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