Looking to sell your art, but not sure where to start? We've made it easy with Simply Framed Listings and Stores.
To get started, you can view the video here or read through our guide below. If you have any questions please reach out to hello@simplyframed.com.
- Happy Framing (and selling)!
Creating a Store with Simply Framed ft. Jeff Mindell
1. Create and sign in to your Simply Framed account.
2. Click the upper right-hand corner and click on Listings. This will take you to your account store page where you can manage your store and listings.
3. Next, click the Create Listings button.
- This will take you to our Frame Designer where you will select one of our four services to sell your art. If you have a physical work of art you'd like to sell, select Mail-In, as the service. If you're printing with us, select Print Only or Print & Frame. From here you can make any other customizations to the product such as frame model, mat size, and print size. The cost in green in the upper right-hand corner reflects the retail cost of the product on simplyframed.com.
4. Determine your price and margin
- Once you've completed the customizations for your listing, you'll click save and move on to adding the listing details including the artist name and artwork price. If you are the artist, this is where you would list your name.
- Here, you'll also set the art price (what you're selling your art for) and frame margin. We recommend setting the frame margin to 10% to cover overhead costs for marketing, store setup and other administrative needs.
5. Create your store
- After saving a listing, you'll notice that you now have the option to create a store name and URL. This is where you'll name your store as well as create the URL that will be linked on your website or social media.
6. Share your store!
- Once you've created your URL your store is live. To share it with others you can link it on an existing website or your social media accounts. Individual listing products can be linked on platforms such as Instagram stories or shops.
7. Link your PayPal account. Payments will be issued on the 1st of each month.
Looking for inspiration? Check out Jeff Mindell's store here!
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